Wednesday, May 26, 2010

It's About That Time

The end of the schoolyear. How did it come so quickly again? I can't believe summer vacation will be upon the world of teachers in just three short days! So, it's been another fantastic year. Here are some highlights.

Teaching about the plant life cycle. Sweet curriculum and tons of excitement from the kids! They are pollinating above. We threw away the dead bees we were to do it with (they smelled) and went with the q-tip method.

Gifts from students. The above figurine was received during Teacher Appreciation Week just a month ago. One of many like it that I've received over the years. Just one of the benefits of teaching in Utah Valley's hood.

Our door decoration from Teacher Appreciation Week. Hands down the best in my 11 years of teaching.

Our student teacher. Not only was she lovely to work with but she just happened to come during the time I scheduled to go to South Africa. She saved me having to make a week's worth of sub plans!

An amazing co-teacher. We're quite different, but we sure have made a good team over the past two years! She's the breast, I mean, the best!

Great kids and the stories I brought home about them. Of course I can't remember any now, my memory must be going with my age. After all, I'm a third of the way to retirement! Looking forward to getting a few of those brain cells back this summer.


Mary Ann said...

You said breast! :) And you make an adorable Incredible!

Robyn said...

You are awesome! You might need to tell me about that plant project (I teach that unit too). I do have to say that you are one lucky duck to be done this week. I have until next Thursday. I hope I make it.

Jeff said...

Looks like you had a fun year. My favorite is the super sweet incredibles picture.

glarcy said...

wow. you weren't lying about the door design. It's great... er incredible!